The funny thing is most non Western residents of the US don't really like Mexican food (or so I have discovered since I've lived on the East Coast for the past 8 months). It's strange to think what a staple Mexican food is in the typical Californian's diet. Just ask Michael Ludwig, he eats Mexican every day, and on most days he was able to talk me and 15 of our closest Friends into joining him at Isidro's. A place that helps you pack on the pounds. Which, for some reason...makes me think of surfing.
I'd really like to go surfing right now. Its sad to think that my board is sitting in Erin Clare's and Sephanie Brereton's lovely garage on Bundage Court (Sort of like bondage...Erin's favorite pastime to practice on Stephanie). Speaking of Erin Clare--she likes to make me sad. She calls me in the middle of the night or sends text messages exclaiming that she misses me (which I know she does), but sometimes I think she does it just to wake me up. Which I more than appreciate. Even more so, I appreciate the drunk dials from her, Michael, and Stephanie. Lovely bunch of coconuts aren't they? Thanks for the calls last night!
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