It’s Friday and I’m exhausted. It’s been one of the longest weeks ever, not because anything was extraordinary or excruciating, but just because a lack of sleep and too much to do is the perfect combination for exhaustion.
Last night I went to this great little restaurant called Brick Café, which is about four blocks form my house. We sat at this great little table outside and had an amazing bottle of wine. What type of wine it was…I have no idea. I should probably start paying more attention to that sort of thing, but when you’re with people who like wine…they never let you choose anyways, so why bother? I do know however, that I really like French wine, especially French White Wine from Quartino (my roommates restaurant).
Today it’s cold and rainy in New York; it’s actually really cold, and pouring to tell the truth. I never understand the weather here in NYC, its different every day and for the past two weeks it’s been changing everyday. Its either a) beautiful, warm and sunny or b) freezing cold, windy, and pouring cats and dogs. Too bad California doesn’t get more rain, I know it’s in dire need of it.
Here’s to a good weekend, my roommate Sam is moving to Portugal next Friday (I’m sad) so we’re having a vegetarian goodbye party back at the house this evening. That should be fun. Sam’s getting a tattoo today, of a fish. I’m excited to see it when I get home. I’ll leave you with that for now….hope all is well in the land of your mind.
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