I love it when I think things are funny, and I love it even more when other people think they’re funny too. For example, “Charlie bit my finger”, the video posted in the post previous to this one is hilarious. I die from not being able to breathe every time I watch it. Morgan called me this evening, after a few conversations we some how ended up on “Charlie bit my finger” and she about died from suffocation as well!
Well I guess…I’ll blog about my day, since I don’t really have any thoughts to write besides the fact that I’m still sad that Samantha Power resigned from the Obama campaign. I mean come on…really? She was way too brilliant, and way to gifted to not be one of Obama’s political advisors…and this is coming from Clinton fan. Power made a mistake, she called Hillary a “monster” …name calling shouldn’t lead to the termination (forced resignation) of someone’s political career. Stick and stones…Obama…sticks and stones, Power deserves to continue working on your campaign. Power is emotional about what she does…you can’t blame her for developing animosity against her opponent. No one wants to lose and after losing Texas, Ohio, and RI Power was really bitter. Anyways…I still think Clinton has a good fight in her, and I hope Clinton wins this thing!
Subject change:
Today was a beautiful day in the city. I started out with a Chinese brunch with friends down in China town, followed by ice-cream at pinkberry and a stroll through Soho, with a 3 hour finale at the dog park in Union Square. It was so much fun to sit back in the sun and watch the dogs play. I love how much money people spend on dog accessions, especially here in NYC. They love to show off, sweaters galore. One man had a little jacket with rhinestones and a fur hood.
I’m really looking forward to this week. It’s going to be fun! I’ve got two different sets of friends that will be here from California, it’ll be the first time I’ve seen Monterey friends since May—so you can only imagine how excited I must be!